ARBITRATION: Law Review Article Arbitration in Lithuanian Commercial Agreements:
Establishment and Early Development. Commerical arbitration law in the Republic of Lithuania over the past several decades, including
the recently enacted Law on Commercial Arbitration and potential obstacles to effective enforcement of arbitral awards, and some Lithuanian observations on arbitration provisions in international commercial contracts.
While there are new laws and associations to facilitate arbitrations of international disputes and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards in Lithuania, they remain unproven. Also reported in the Vytautas Magnus University Law Review, Number 4, September 2000
LEGAL ETHICS IN LITHUANIA: Paper Finding Competent Local Counsel:
Associating With Legal Practitioners In Lithuania.
The current status of the legal profession in Lithuania, concluding that any lawyer in the United States who seeks to associate with competent counsel in Lithuania must exercise extreme caution. At the present time, whether issued a license to practice law as an advokat or practicing as a jurist, the legal profession in Lithuania is largely unregulated and unsupervised, with no oversight for unethical behavior.