Law Offices of Patricia A Streeter


State Courts:  States of Michigan (1979)

U.S. District Courts:   Eastern (1979) and Western Districts (1985) of Michigan and the Northern (1997) and Central (1998) District of Illinois, including the Trial Bar in the Northern District of Illinois (1997). In the State of Illinois, Ms. Streeter is now on ”retired” status.

U.S. Appellate Courts:  United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (1979) and for the Seventh Circuit (1997)

U.S. Supreme Court (2003)


Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Law, Department of Law, University of Leicester, UK (2013)

Masters in Law (LL.M.) in International Business and Trade Law, The John Marshall Law School, Chicago (2000)

Juris Doctor (J.D.) Detroit College of Law (1979)

Bachelor of Science, Wayne State University (Art Education) Detroit (1973)

Diploma, Cass Technical High School (Commercial Art)  Detroit (1969)


Sole practitioner (1979 to present), maintaining a general practice in diverse practice areas, from civil rights prosecution and federal criminal defense to business contract and litigation issues. Now practicing only in the area of federal criminal defense and consulting on existing litigation.  Included in her experience are services as a neutral case evaluator for the Third Judicial Circuit Court in the State of Michigan (Wayne County), a hearing referee for the Michigan Civil Rights Commission, and as an adjunct professor at the Vytautas Magnus University Law School in Kaunas, Lithuania, teaching Private Law of the Sea (Admiralty and Maritime Law) and Criminal Procedure.


Paper and presentation, “Considering Fair Trial in Lithuania”, at the joint Commission of Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas) and the World Lithuanian Commission (November 13, 2013)

Doctoral Thesis, “Fair Trial in Lithuania: From European Convention to Realisation”, a qualitative study of the right to a fair trial in Lithuania as understood under Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (August 2012)

Article, ‘Isolated Confinement in Michigan: Mapping The Circles of Hell’, Elizabeth Alexander and Patricia Streeter, Michigan Journal of Race & Law, 18:251 (Spring 2013)

Article, ‘Making the Lithuanian Justice System Worthy of Trust’, Lituanus, the Lithuanian Quarterly Journal of Arts and Sciences, 55:1 (Summer 2009)

Presentation, ‘Mental Health Issues for the Incarcerated’, to the Winter meeting of Michigan Partners in Crisis, a coalition of mental health associations and jurists (December 2008)

Presentation, ‘Making the Lithuanian Justice System Worthy of Trust’, at the 14th World Lithuanian Symposium on Arts and Science, Lemont, Illinois (November 29, 2008)

Presentation, ‘Cognitive Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System’, State Bar of Michigan Annual Meeting, addressing the prevalence and impact of mental illness and cognitive disabilities on prisoners’ ability to cope with prison life (September 22, 2005).

Presentation, “Professional Ethics in the Context of Human Rights,” 2008 Human Rights Law Summer Study Program, Vlilnius, Lithuania, July 26, 2008.

Panelist, “Cognitive Disabilities in the Criminal Justice System”, State Bar of Michigan Annual Meeting, addressing the prevalence and impact of mental illness and cognitive disabilities on prisoners’ ability to cope with prison life, September 22, 2005.

Panelist, “Proving Your Case”, Pro Bono Training Seminar, United States District Court, Eastern District of Michigan, November 16, 2005.

Paper and Presentation “Basics for Advising On Electronic Commerce”, an overview of current Internet usage Worldwide and in Lithuania, sales on the Internet and advising businesses going onto the Internet, International Conference: “The Business Environment:  What Can The Law Do?” at the Law University of Lithuania, Vilnius, Lithuania, June 25, 2003.

Panelist, “Incarcerating the Mentally Ill”, Citizens Alliance on Prisons and Public Safety, Lansing, Michigan, October 30, 2000.

Article, “Arbitration in Lithuanian Commercial Agreements:  Establishment and Development”, VytautasMagnusUniversity Law Review, Number 4, September 2000.

Article and Presentation, “The 1999 Lithuanian Code of Professional Ethics for Lawyers:  Areas for Improvement Consistent with European Union Standards” presented March 6, 2000 to the ten-member Joint Commission of members of the Seimas (Lithuanian Parliament) and the Lithuanian-American Community, Inc. (LAC), published in the Vytautas Magnus University Law Review, Teises Apzvalga, Number 4, September 2000.

Article, "Incarceration of the Mentally Ill: Treatment or Warehousing?," Michigan Bar Journal, February, 1998.


“International Private Law of the Sea” (Commercial Maritime Law), Vytautas Magnus University School of Law, Kaunas, Lithuania (2000, 2001, 2002, 2005)

“US Criminal Procedure,” Vytautas Magnus University Law School, Kaunas, Lithuania (1999)


Founder and Executive Director of Bring Human Rights Home (BHRH), a Michigan not-for-profit organization, founded to promote the study of human rights and strengthen the rule of law. BHRH co-sponsored an international Human Rights Law Summer Study program in Vilnius, Lithuania, along with the Elon Center for Public Affairs, Elon University, North Carolina, and Lithuanian partners in Vilnius, the Mykolas Romeris University, the European Humanities University (the Belarusian University in Exile), and the Human Rights Monitoring Institute. Ms. Streeter was the on site administrator of the program with Betty Morgan, Ph.D., of Elon University, as the on site academic administrator (2008-2011).


2009 Wade Hampton McCree Jr. Award for the Advancement of Social Justice, presented by the Federal Bar Association of the Eastern District Chapter to the legal team in Neal v Michigan Department of Corrections, as a member of the plaintiffs’ attorney team

2008 Trial Lawyer of the Year, by the Public Justice, America’s Pubic Interest Law Firm, for outstanding contribution to the public interest through work as a member of the plaintiffs’ attorney team in Neal v Michigan Department of Corrections

1995 Joann Watson Civil Rights Award, National Lawyers Guild, Detroit Chapter

1988  Wayne County Region, Women Lawyers Association of Michigan, for work on reproductive rights, 1987-1988

1988  Sara Kilgore Award, Women Lawyers Association of Michigan, for significant contributions to women and the law.


Lithuanian-American Bar Association, Inc. (President)
State Bar of Michigan, Prisons and Corrections Section (Section Council member 2004-2012 and 2015 to present; Chair 2009-2011; Newsletter editor 2009 to present)
Advisory Board, Michigan Partners in Crisis, the mental health illness and justice coalition (Chair, 2017 to present).

This page last revised 7 March 2018

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